Wishing All our Friends a very Happy Diwali !
Diwali or Deepawali which in Sanskrit means Row of Lights. This Indian Festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs , Jains and Buddhists signifies Victory of Good over Evil , Light over Darkness and Knowledge over Ignorance . May this festival fill your life with Happiness, Health and Prosperity. May the Goddess Lakshmi and God Ganesha bless you with Joy and Laughter!!! May the Diwali Diyas light up your life with Happiness and Smiles ! ( our family did our first Rangoli with excellent help of our friend Kirsteen James 🙏🙏🙏), This year Indian Cricket Team won a nail biting , riveting match on the last ball against its arch rival Pakistan ( another excellent team ) in the T20 World Cup and the Houston Astros are heading to the World Series giving us all a phenomenal Diwali Gift !!!