Happy Memorial Day to You All !!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
While we celebrate this long Memorial Day weekend with our families, Let us also Pause and Reflect , Honor and Remember the fallen...

Mother’s Love !
I flew 10,000 miles half way around the globe from Houston to New Delhi, To surprise my Mom this Mother’s Day Weekend, These 48 hours...

Happy Mother’s Day to All the Mothers !!!
Concept of Mother’s Day has been there since times immemorial. Greeks held an annual festival “ Cymbele “ ,referring to a mother of their...

Mentoring is Educating, Empowering and Inspiring!!!
We had two wonderful students Allison Engler Aichholz and Catherine Campbell finish their month long rotation with us . It was honor and...

In Love with Mystery by Ann Mortifee
In Love with Mystery by Ann Mortifee . “Let the power come . Let ecstasy erupt . Allow your Heart to expand and overflow with adoration...

Your Breath is Your Life
What you need to know for sure is that Your Breath is Your Life , It is your biggest asset and your strongest anchor!!! Prānāyāma is the...