Kaizen: Continue to Learn and Grow!! Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!!!
If it ain't broke...
Are you sure?
Striving for ongoing personal and professional excellence is a constant process.
If we stop checking if there is a better way of doing something, then we really don't know if we are efficient or just lagging along.
Keep improving!
Keep checking if something in your process is broken.
And keep fixing those things.
Your future self will thank you for it 🚀
But what is Continuous Improvement hashtag#kaizen ?
"Continuous improvement in a management context means a never-ending effort to expose and eliminate root causes of problems.
Usually, it involves many incremental or small-step improvements rather than one overwhelming innovation. From a Japanese perspective, continuous improvement is the basis for their business culture.
Continuous improvement is a philosophy permeating the Japanese culture, which seeks to improve all factors related to the transformation process (converting inputs into outputs) on an ongoing basis.
It involves everyone, management and labor, in finding and eliminating waste in machinery, labor, materials and production methods.
The Japanese word for continuous improvement, kaizen, is often used interchangeably with the term continuous improvement. From the Japanese character kai, meaning “change,” and the character zen, meaning “good” (taken literally), it means improvement."
( from encyclopaedia . com )