In Love with Mystery by Ann Mortifee

In Love with Mystery by Ann Mortifee . “Let the power come . Let ecstasy erupt . Allow your Heart to expand and overflow with adoration for this magnificent creation and for the Love , Wisdom and Power that birthed it all . Rapture is needed now - rapture , reverence and grace .” Our purpose in life is to bring Joy and Happiness into each other’s lives and help each other . You must align your self with your deepest and purest self . Tune your frequency to the frequency of Love , Gratitude and Kindness . Open your Heart and you will find Happiness beyond your imagination. Even in your darkest moments, you will find a sliver of light that will illuminate your path . You will discover the extraordinary in the ordinary. You will then witness the divine order and exquisite perfection with which this universe operates . You will then feel the Divine presence of God and His Blessings !!! #love, #gratitude , #happiness , #god, #philosophyoflife, #drsuneja