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Climbing Mount Bierstadt

Climbing Mount Bierstadt , An unforgettable accomplishment that is dedicated to my friend .

August 26th afternoon, I flew to Denver to Climb Mount Bierstadt. With no experience in mountain climbing and littler practice ( but I am very active doing bike riding and Yoga on the weekends) but lots of determination and patience, We began the climb on August 28 morning at 7:15 AM at the trailhead with my friend Achal Khosla.

I would have NEVER EVER thought of taking on this monumental challenge but I had the company of a very dear friend Achal Khosla who was not only my personal guide throughout this journey and with 15 successful landings on Mount Bierstadt  under his belt , I was enriched by his experience along the entire way .

As we gradually hiked the trails along the west side of  mountain , following the cairns and enjoying the  beautiful scenery and loving our journey connecting with Nature , and truly admiring  God’s creation . The last 600 feet was extremely exhausting as the altitude really begins to sap your strength. Each step must be taken with tremendous caution as the slope is Literally 70 degrees and potential for injury real .

Finally after 4 hours and 45 minutes at Noon , we reached the summit at 14,065 feet . As I was almost in a state of disbelief, we celebrated by enjoying snacks , and drinking coconut water and taking pics while enjoying the gorgeous views of surrounding mountains Mount Evan’s, Grays and Torrey’s peaks , Long’s peak and Pikes peak . The experience at the summit is indescribable , unforgettable , fulfilling with spiritual enrichment.

As we took our pictures and made our summit video , I thanked Achal  for his amazing guidance and encouragement as this would NOT be possible without him .

The downward journey was equally arduous requiring abundant caution and tremendous focus to avoid slipping on these giant rocks .

Finally three and a half hours exactly at 4 PM , we were back at the trail head thanking GOD for being so kind to us with amazing weather and both of us having accomplished this feat without any injuries.

Resolve , Patience , Strength , Endurance , Practice, Focus and Good Health are all essential for climbing a 14er.

Amount of calories burnt 5400 calories .

Distance hiked : 10.11 miles

Hiking time : 8 hours 15 minutes.

Peak Heart rate :148.

Fluids consumed. 1.8 liters .

This hike is dedicated to my dear friend, Achal Khosla who was my mentor and personal guide in the most physically challenging endeavor of my life !!!


#drsuneja , #hiking,#mountbierstadt , #mountbierstadt , #friendship,#gratitude, #14er


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